Adobe Reader 9

Nowadays, everybody uses PDF files, because of their small size and their reputation for keeping the format and colors of the original document. Adobe Reader 9 is the perfect tool for viewing and printing this type of files.

Different from its previous versions, Adobe Reader 9 offers a professional looking interface, text search options and many more. The performance of this product has been enhanced and launching speeds are noticeable. With its built in Flash support, you can view different of file types, like SWF and FLV. A new concept has been introduced: PDF Portfolio, which lets you combine audio, video and other files into one single PDF. Adobe Connect offers users the ability to connect simultaneously and edit a PDF document. The newer version makes available new security improvements, like 256-bit AES encryption.

A big drawback for Adobe Reader 9 is that it uses more resources than its previous versions.

There may be other software that might replace Adobe Reader, but this is the solution for most of the users. Those programs might be faster and occupy less space, but with the price of not including some features of Adobe Reader.

Download Adobe Reader 9

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