Videora iPod Converter

Videora iPod Converter is different from other convertors. There are many video converters available as a freeware. But this video converter converts almost all video types (avi, mpeg) for any type of iPod, which appeals many users.
Videora iPod Converter is actually a combination of two programs: a video convertor and Videora which is a search engine and download manager for video files. Using bittorrent to download videos will give advantage to this software. Though bittorrent is used to download videos, the downloading speed will be slower than for other downloaders. This is because Bittorrent downloading speed will increase only when there are many users (seeds). This will be a significant disadvantage for this convertor software. Though it may convert all video formats it is difficult to convert video formats such as FLV, Vob etc. Video convertors generally require 30MB to 40MB of Ram when operated. IPod convertor use 37MB of RAM and When used with videora for downloading videos the memory usage will increase to 48MB and CPU performance will hold up gamier.


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