Deliver the richest, most engaging PDF communications anytime, anywhere. Adobe® Acrobat® 9 Pro Extended software now includes Adobe Presenter, Adobe LiveCycle® Designer ES, and Adobe 3D Reviewer software.
Features by category
Create and reliably share PDF documents
Easily convert any document that prints to PDF to preserve formatting and ensure document integrity.
Easily convert files to PDF
Convert to PDF with one-button ease from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Project, Visio, Access, and Publisher, as well as Autodesk® AutoCAD® and Lotus Notes.
Scan to PDF with OCR
Scan paper documents to PDF and automatically recognize text with optical character recognition (OCR) technology to create compact, searchable PDF documents.
Convert e-mail to PDF
Archive e-mail or e-mail folders from Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes in PDF to facilitate search and retrieval.
Capture web pages as PDF Enhanced
Convert complete web pages, or just the portions you want, including or excluding rich and interactive media. PDF versions of web pages are easy to print, archive, mark up, and share.
Enable others to access design data
Convert virtually any 2D and 3D designs — including layers, dimensions, and metadata — to a single PDF file to share product data more easily and securely.
Create interactive, on-demand presentations New
Use Adobe Presenter, included with Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, to liven up your Microsoft PowerPoint slides with video, voice-over, demos, and interactive quizzes, and then output to PDF for reliable, cross-platform sharing.
Easily share video in PDF New
Convert a variety of video formats to FLV for reliable, cross-platform sharing of video, animations, and applications in PDF documents. With native support for Adobe Flash technology, no additional media player is necessary for playback.
Insert video in PDF New
Embed video in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint and convert to FLV in PDF or insert FLV or H.264 video in PDF files for direct playback in Acrobat and Adobe Reader.
Create PDF maps New
Import geospatial files that retain metadata and coordinates to create PDF maps that can be searched, measured, and marked up with Acrobat or Adobe Reader. Discover the longitude and latitude by placing your cursor over a location. Measure PDF maps in real-world units.
Work with New
Use services with Acrobat to store and share large documents, collect form data, and review documents with virtually anyone, anywhere.
In archive - 2 key - All works.
Acrobat Pro Extended for Windows
1.3GHz or faster processor
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2 or 3 (32-bit and 64-bit); Windows Server® 2003 (with Service Pack 2 for 64-bit); or Windows Vista® Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with or without Service Pack 1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Internet Explorer 6.0
512MB of RAM
2.35GB of available hard-disk space
1,024x768 screen resolution
DVD-ROM drive
Video hardware acceleration (optional)
Supported UNIX platforms for Adobe 3D Capture Utility (optional)
Sun™ Solaris™ 2.8: UltraSPARC® processor
IBM® AIX® 5.2: POWER4 or PowerPC® 604 processor
SGI™ IRIX™ 6.5: RISC 5000 processor
HP-UX 11.0: PA-RISC 2.0 processor
UNIX® Capture Utility: 200MB of available hard-disk spac
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Size: 855.17 MB
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