Ultrasn0w, unlock your iPhone

Got troubles unlocking your iPhone 3G/GS with unlocking tools?
It looks like Apple got knowledge of them and you can't use those programs. Well, no problems for you because Dev Team released Ultrasn0w, a new tool which unlocks any iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS with firmware 3.0. The origin of Ultrasn0w utility is Purplesn0w, another software for unlocking iPhones.


  • unlocks iPhone 3G and 3GS
  • works on any jailbroken device
  • smaller in size than other unlocking tools
  • it uses less memory
  • works only on firmware 3.0.
  • you must upgrade from earlier firmwares to 3.0
  • do not upgrade to 3.1
  • available through Cydia
  • if you are a T-Mobile USA user you should disable 3G before using ultrasn0w

How to use:

  1. upgrade your iPhone OS to OS 3.0
  2. jailbreak your iPhone with PwnageTool or redsn0w
  3. run Cydia or Icy
  4. add this repo to Cydia: http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com (please note that "0" is zero)
  5. search for ultrasn0w in Cydia and install it
  6. reboot

Video tutorial:

download all the necessary files from Dev Team

The Mozilla Thunderbird email client combines a powerful email client and RSS feed reader all in one handy program. Mozilla hates spam just as much as we do, so that’s why they equiped this email program with a powerful spamfilter.

Pro features:

- You can filter using tags, virtual folders help you to sort your email out carefully
- Thunderbird allows you to have RSS feeds showing you the latest RSS updates like new mail messages
- Mozilla Thunderbird will take care of spam mail and detects the junk mail coming in
Contra features:

- The RSS feed reader hasn’t been optimized yet and could be a more powerful tool
- Indexing isn’t used for speed when searching or using virtual folders.

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