Got troubles unlocking your iPhone 3G/GS with unlocking tools?
It looks like Apple got knowledge of them and you can't use those programs. Well, no problems for you because Dev Team released Ultrasn0w, a new tool which unlocks any iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS with firmware 3.0. The origin of Ultrasn0w utility is Purplesn0w, another software for unlocking iPhones.
It looks like Apple got knowledge of them and you can't use those programs. Well, no problems for you because Dev Team released Ultrasn0w, a new tool which unlocks any iPhone 3G or iPhone 3GS with firmware 3.0. The origin of Ultrasn0w utility is Purplesn0w, another software for unlocking iPhones.
- unlocks iPhone 3G and 3GS
- works on any jailbroken device
- smaller in size than other unlocking tools
- it uses less memory
- works only on firmware 3.0.
- you must upgrade from earlier firmwares to 3.0
- do not upgrade to 3.1
- available through Cydia
- if you are a T-Mobile USA user you should disable 3G before using ultrasn0w
How to use:
- upgrade your iPhone OS to OS 3.0
- jailbreak your iPhone with PwnageTool or redsn0w
- run Cydia or Icy
- add this repo to Cydia: (please note that "0" is zero)
- search for ultrasn0w in Cydia and install it
- reboot
Video tutorial:
download all the necessary files from Dev Team
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