Rohos Face Logon adalah Aplikasi yang sangat berguna bagi keamanan seluruh isi komputer atau laptop anda. Atau Mungkin Ingin tampil beda ketika anda melakukan login ke windows? Mungkin anda bisa mencoba software yang satu ini, ya biar agak keren and gak newbie banget gitu..hehehe. Dengan Rohos Face Logon anda dapat login ke windows menggunakan wajah anda. Tapi perlu diingat anda tidak boleh pake topeng atau bersolek menor banget..wkwkwk. Ntar gak kedeteksi wajah anda.
Face recognition log-in benefits:
- Automatic login or desktop unlock when your face is recognized.
- Self-training - helps avoiding face recognition failure.
- USB flash drive as a key to your computer or notebook.
- Possibility to combine both Face recognition and USB stick for login or to use them apart.
- Multi-user support - You may register faces of several users for any user account!
- All registered face patterns are saved and poor ones may be deleted.
- Power saving feature - if there is no person in front of web camera the program is stop using camera and CPU to recognize faces.
- Any Windows (x86,x64)
- webcam and USB flash drive
- 5 MB free hard disk space
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